Favorite Nature Spot
Nature Journaling
Prompt 2
Find a Favorite Nature Spot!
I have many favorite spots from all the places I have lived in my life. Sometimes, they have been remote, requiring me to hike to get there, but more often they are close to my home and are easy for me to visit. They tend to be off the road and away from buildings, but that is not a requirement. A favorite nature spot should, however, make you feel relaxed and comfortable and have beautiful or interesting parts of nature surrounding you. It may be a grassy field on the edge of the woods, under a favorite tree, in a beautiful garden, next to a local stream and the list goes on.
If you do not have a favorite nature spot, first, explore green spaces around your home and locate a safe and pleasant spot. Next, try to visit it at least a few times a week, bring your journal or paper and writing/coloring supplies. Start by just sitting there. See what happens when you sit quietly observing, smelling and feeling the nature around you. * Note do not touch plants or animals unless you are sure they are not poisonous or dangerous. Very little around here is, but make sure you ask an adult to be safe. Once you have spent some time quietly observing, decide how you would like to record your experience during this visit. Remember, there are no right or wrong ways to be a naturalist and record in your journal. You can use any or all of the suggestions I have mentioned. Try to journal in your favorite nature spot a few times a week and you will be amazed at how your creativity blossoms and how calm and joyful you feel.