Up in the Sky
Nature Journaling
Prompt 3
Look! Up in the Sky!
Weather plays a huge role in nature. It impacts all living (plants and animals) and non-living (rocks and soil) parts of nature . The sky is a place you can look to see what the weather is doing or what weather might be coming. You may think the sky is either clear and sunny or grey and rainy, but if you look closely and often, you will find the sky looks different almost every day. It is fun to journal about what you see, smell and feel in the sky. What is that you say, I can’t feel or smell the sky, ah, but you can. The sky or what scientists call earth’s atmosphere stretches to the ground, so any breeze you feel from the wind is part of the sky, any smell that comes your way is brought to you by the wind. To begin, find a comfortable spot outside or look out a window where you can see the sky and just observe it. Here are some questions that will help you think about what is happening in the sky around you. Then, record part or all of this information in your journal.
Write or draw what you see. Birds? An airplane? Clouds? Blowing leaves?
What color is the sky? Try to use more descriptive words than blue.
Can you tell the weather by what is happening in the sky?
Can you feel the wind? Which way do you need to turn to face it? (North, South, East or West)
Which way do you have to turn to face the sun during the day? (N,S,E or W)
Which way do you have to turn to face the moon if it is out? (N,S,E or W)
For more ideas on looking at the sky. Visit www.forspaciousskies.net